Studying for your primary exam really is a marathon event.
There is an enormous amount of content to cover and no matter what anyone says… you just need to push through the texts and source material recommended by ACEM.

However, it is very achievable!
You are surrounded at work by trainees and FACEMs who have gotten over this hurdle (sometimes after a few stumbles) and they are an excellent resource as you progress through your studies. A note of caution though in using other people’s study notes – ultimately it’s a diluted version of the textbook and the benefit of study is often in the creation of those notes rather than the reading of them, regardless of how beautifully annotated, coloured and organised they are.

Unfortunately we can’t transplant the textbooks into your brain… But what we can do is provide some tools and tips to help you approach your studies.

This section is brief, but there’s a lot more material available on this site – make sure you check out the other tabs for access to the the Tamworth Primary Course integrated study guide, practice questions and some truly excellent physiology lectures.

Best of luck

Foundation lecture series

These lectures were recorded in 2020 – in some cases they reference previous exam practices (e.g. use of anatomical models in the exam).
Pharmacology preparation
Physiology preparation
Pathology preparation
Anatomy preparation